Staff Directory

staff photo of Ty Thompson
Ty Thompson

Athletic Director

staff photo of Clayton Saiz
Clayton Saiz

Head Football Coach, Head Powerlifting Coach, Head Boys Track Coach

staff photo of Matt Simmons
Matt Simmons

Head Baseball Coach, Head Girls Wrestling Coach

staff photo of Casey Brown
Casey Brown

Head Softball Coach (Fast-Pitch)

staff photo of Mindy Butcher
Mindy Butcher

Head Volleyball Coach, Head Softball Coach (Slow-Pitch)

staff photo of Tobey Nightingale
Tobey Nightingale

Head Girls Basketball Coach

staff photo of Wes Harding
Wes Harding

Head Wrestling Coach

staff photo of Brittany Street
Brittany Street

Head Girls Cross Country Coach, Head Girls Track Coach

staff photo of Chali Kingfisher
Chali Kingfisher

Cheerleading Coach (Football)

staff photo of Lisa Grissom
Lisa Grissom

Cheerleading Coach (Basketball)

staff photo of Keri Mills
Keri Mills

Cheerleading Coach (Wrestling)